Software ICSPMS
Update to Unicode Version x86 and x64 04.10 available (15.01.2025)
Changelog to Version 4.09.2- fixed: FIES-Module continue on error after red LED is flashing. Orders were not removed from order stack → prevent from finishing the job in spite that no material was in the machine
- fixed: FIES-Module flag PreReadComPort was deleted to late so that 2nd thread could display previous error message again in a wrong format
- fixed: Scratch-off with only sheet printing, scratch-off-string was not added to paper command
- fixed: PIN-Inspection summarizing was used same variables for ICM1500, ICM2000, FIES which lead to crash
- fixed: PDF-mode progress status uses correct number of records to be processed
- fixed: PDF-printer adds printed records correct for the printer status monitor in production window
- fixed: PDF-printer function CheckDatabaseStructure is not needed and returns true in every case
- modified: Cream control improved
- modified: ICM1500 / ICM2000 / ICM3000 disable option “reject card” if there is a comparison error, software is in finish mode and the actual card is the last one to avoid system does not show next comparison error after card reject and remains in waiting loop because there is no further card
- modified: after fresh installing some initial parameter are set to correct default parameter
- modified: all other MessageBox / OperatorRequest windows are now modeless instead of modal(External DLL, BL1300, FM204, Cognex Camera, PC/SC, etc.)
- modified: all MessagBoxes are opened cascaded on top aligned on the display to avaoid that they are covered from production window
- modified: all OperatorRequestWindows are opened cascaded bottom alignedon the display to avaoid that they are covered from production window
- added: retry function after reset device failure
Changelog to Version 4.09.1 - added: Parameter to disable option overtake measured weight as default in Bisco Scale
- added: “error in output transport” will be displayed in lower message line of production window until it is fixed regardless of whether operator has confirmed error message
- modified: most of MessageBox / OperatorRequest windows are now modeless instead of modal(Sorter, FET, FIES, BISCO SCALE, ICM2000/ICM3000, ICM1500, DoubleChip, Omron)
- modified: FIES-Control module type and location messages do not lead to error message “wrong data received” if received unexpectedly
Changelog to Version 4.09 - fixed: possible memory leaks closed
- added: if database is not existing on job start new database can be selected if global option <change database in production window> is enabled
- added: card printer layout in <database configuration mail merge>
- added: after error <card missing at affixing station> / <card not well-affixed> it is possible to continue together with firmware ICM1500 Rel. 01.61 or newer / Affixer firmware 4.15/4.05 and newer and labeler firmware 4.12 or newer (in case of ICM2000 / ICM3000)
- modified: many modal Message Boxes changed to modeless Message Boxes to give operator the possibility to continue with another popped-up message box or operator request dialogue
- modified: some modal operator request dialogues changed to modeless dialogues to give operator the possibility to continue with another popped-up message box or operator request dialogue
Changelog to Version 4.08.5 - fixed: database configuration and <PCL-mode> enabled vertical print and print preview is working correct
- fixed: matchmode and only card reject after comparison error
- added: database configuration print margin is displayed in preview window
- added: info card data not found in database in log file
- added: on using motor test, sensor test or firmware parameter information <function maybe obsolete> is displayed
- added: card printer layout in <database configuration>
- added: test print on card printer
- modified: <printer configuration> in global setting menu
Changelog to Version 4.08.4 - fixed: CSV database access with Fieldname in first row and wrong casv separator character is not anymore crashing application
- added: Double sheet detection handling in ICM2000(ICM3000 input module
- added: If ProcessStatus is already set for record and OperatorLevel=1 card now will be rejected
Changelog to Version 4.08.3 - modified: in DatabaseConfiguration <Section> for DIRECT DATA could now contain unicode characters to be able to edit data in f.e. arabic, hebrew, thai, chinese etc.
Changelog to Version 4.08.2 - modified: for <barcode comparision field type> in <section> could be edit a section of the associated field if only a part of the complete field is used for comparision
Changelog to Version 4.08.1 - fixed: scrollbars of production window are disabled if possible after resizing
- added: new barcode types are selectable in ICM2000, ICM3000 and ICM1500 configuration for using Honeywell SRX-scanner
Changelog to Version 4.08 - fixed: if ICM1500 / ICM2000 / ICM3000 / DoubleChip / Omron machine is switched-off software will return with Timeout messag
- fixed: Parameter NewPaperTransport in ICM1500 is working correct
- fixed: ICM1500 control error 25, 30 and 36 are treated in separate thread to keep open message box (ORDlg or MBDlg) until error is cleared / decision is made
- fixed: ICM3000 control error 12, 14, 30 and 36 are treated in separate thread to keep open message box (ORDlg or MBDlg) until error is cleared / decision is made
- modified: default log-file field separator character is per default a semicolon (;)
Changelog to version 4.07.6 - fixed: CL7000 error message on reply to command 09
- fixed: windows for machine configuration, database configuration, database mailmerge configuration, ICP1000 double chip configuration,
ICM1500 configuration and ICM2000/ICM3000 configuration are now resizable and have scroll bars if needed. - fixed: FIES-Module double error messages
- added: FET-Module chip offset positon is adjustable